sales Pipeline calculator

Looking for some help on how to reach your sales target?

Use the sales pipeline calculator below to find out how much pipeline you need to generate to hit your quota, based on your average conversion rates.

    [progressbar progress_bar_one type:line]


    ? Your average deal value (or average deal size) is the average dollar amount per closed deal/contract.


    ? Please inform how much revenue you would like Operatix to generate for your business?


    ? Please inform what percentage of your sales pipeline typically converts into closed business.


    Deal Value: [info-deals "the-deal-value"]

    Pipeline: [info-pipeline "pipeline-to-generate"]

    % Full: [info-percentage-full "pipeline-percent-full"]

    % Converted: [info-percentage-converted "pipeline-percent-full / 100"]

    Sales Target: [info-sales-target "pipeline-to-generate"]

    Deals: [info-deals-to-make "info-sales-target / info-deals"]

    SQL: [info-sql "info-sales-target / (info-percentage-converted * info-deals)"]

    SQL: [info-sal "info-sql * 2"]

    Cost Per Lead: [info-cpl "700"]

    Program Cost: [info-program-cost "info-cpl * info-sal"]

    Pipeline Gen v2: [info-pipeline_2 "(info-deals-to-make / info-percentage-converted) * info-deals"]

    ROI: [info-roi precision:0 roundup "info-sales-target / info-program-cost"]

    [next calculate_div_one class:mi_nxt_prev_btn--next "Next"]



    Your ROI Report

    For you to reach your $ sales target, you need to close deals at $

    Using a conversion rate of % from pipeline to closed deal, means that you need to generate $ in pipeline.

    We can help you achieve that, delivering a program that generates:

    X ROI

    How did we calculate this?

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    Leave your email address below and we will email you your report.

    Error: Unable to fullfil ROI of 1X - Please contact us for more information.

    Note: Please inform a work e-mail address to proceed
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    Almost there!

    Please fill out the details below to get your report sent to you via email.

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    Targeted strategies by industry professionals to grow your sales pipEline.

    We typically see 52.5 % of the Sales Engagements produced by our team convert into a next step in the sales process (that being a POC, Demo set up or a Pipeline opportunity) .

    Reach targets quicker, and speed up business growth.

    B2B companies that work with us typically see large returns and results in all aspects of their sales development. We pride ourselves on helping your business grow by strategically positioning your company in-front of  key decision makers. 

    Sam GillonHead of Sales
    Immersive Labs
    Read More
    I have never had a good experience with a lead generation company in my whole career, so I’m extremely impressed with what Operatix has done.

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    Learn more about how we can get work as an extension of your Sales & Marketing teams to drive more revenue.